The easiest, way to steam the suit jacket is to put it in the bathroom. This method is good because it requires no equipment.

Pick up a good rack. You should know that the hangers for the jackets differ from conventional "coat hanger". They usually have a special shape, and sometimes foam inserts. Gently hang the jacket on a hanger, fasten all buttons and carefully smooth the fabric in such a way that creases. Hang the jacket in the bathroom and turn on the hot water. Close the door, in order to form pairs. Give clothes to be "otvisetsya".
Iron with a vertical steaming feature

This kind of irons appeared on the market recently, but has already won great popularity and received a lot of positive reviews. The function "shot of steam" allows you to quickly and gently smooth clothes of thick fabric and thin curtains.

Hang the jacket on a hanger and gently smooth it out. Click on the iron and direct the steam jet on the thing. Under the influence of steam the fabric to finish and gain volume. As a result, your jacket will be relaxed.
Household steamer

This device can be used not only for steaming but also for cleaning the clothes. Besides, thanks to steam treatment, the tissue removed and odors. Tank capacity of steam is much greater than that of iron, which gives the opportunity to conduct a thorough treatment of fabrics. Pairs of the device is continuously fed, and thereby better penetrate into the fibers of the material.

Household steamer, as well as iron with vertical steam function allows you to smooth out things directly on the rack.

Place the jacket on a hanger. Turn on the device. Carefully handle the steam jacket. You should know that processing must be carried out in the vertical direction moves up and down. Attempts to steam the thing, working horizontally, can lead to leakage of hot water from the reservoir of the steamer.