You will need
  • - registration on the website;
  • - e-mail.
After switching on the main forum page, click "Register" and fill in the blank fields as required (mandatory fields are marked with asterisks). After completing the registration you will be asked to proceed to your email box which has been sent a special letter with a confirmation code or a similar action link.
Visit the mail service, enter the username and password if this was not done in advance. Go to the Inbox and open the most recent letter (in the email list it will be displayed among the first unread). Read the text of the letter, it will contain your login details. Click the link or highlight the code and copy it to the clipboard (Ctrl + C).
On the loaded page you will see a notification about the successful verification of email addresses. Go back to the registration page if you want to paste the confirmation code. Code insertion can be done by using Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert. Press the Enter key.
Now you can join in the discussion on the forum as a full user. However, some functions may be unavailable. In recent years, cases in a specified limit of messages for new users. This is associated with paid registrations and comment spam or links in the signature to the profile.
It may happen that the cherished letter does not come. In this case, it is recommended to check folder "Spam" or "Deleted". If the letter was in one of these directories open, or mark it and click "Not spam" or "return to Inbox". Then click the link or copy the code as described above.
To begin to read and write in the forum you need to go through the authorization — enter login and password. It is also recommended to put a mark on the checkbox "Remember me" and press Enter.