Medicines that say: "Store at temperatures from 0 to +8 degrees, must be kept in the refrigerator (not the freezer). To keep it thus needs insulin, liquid medications, vaccines, candles, herbal infusions and decoctions.

Do not store medications in the kitchen: the smoke and fumes produced there, they can damage. In addition, the kitchen is often warm, and most drugs do not like high temperatures. Exposure to direct sunlight is also harmful, so no need to allocate the kit to place on the windowsill. A large part of the drugs stored in a dark place, away from sources of heat, selenomonas products and household chemicals.

Experts advise to divide the Cabinet into two parts: one is to hold funds for external use (ointments, creams, lotions, disinfectant agents), the other for internal use (tablets, medicine, pills, etc.).

It is not recommended to mix the drugs without the annotation and packaging. In order not to shake the whole Cabinet to find the right drug, you can make a list and put it in a box.

It is not desirable to use a first aid kit plastic bag or kitchen drawer. It is better to take a spacious box (plastic or wood), which is well closed.

Whatever played the role of kit, to keep her there, where under no circumstances does not get children. Better in a Cabinet that locked with a key or anywhere so far and high that never met children on the eyes.

Drugs, like products, have an expiration date. If the conditions of storage, pills and potions it is possible to use up printed on the package date.

Some funds have no specific expiration date – it depends on when they were opened. For example, eye drops "live" no longer than one month from the date of first use, drugs in open vials – a day at the most. It is therefore important to read the instructions to any, even the simplest means.

Sometimes the same drug, but different manufacturers may vary with storage time. But expired medicines cannot be used in any case!