In the modern world will not meet a person that does not experience at least occasionally irritation, annoyance or anger. Often negative emotions splash out on loved ones and dear people. Uncritically, if this situation is an isolated case. But when aggressive behavior becomes habitual without any obvious reason – it is worth considering. Perhaps in the body violations had occurred.

What if all the hate and annoying: calm the hormones

In most cases of excessive irritability is a sign of approaching menstrual cycle, the onset of PMS. Side effects such as irritation and nervous tension for a few days and sometimes a week before the arrival of menstruation. The reason is that after ovulation there is a sharp decline in the production of estrogen begins to produce progesterone.

To alleviate the condition of women in this difficult period will help products with calcium. They can remove the spasms, relieve migraines and discomfort in the lower back, accelerate the excretion of excess fluid from the body. Additionally, you can take magnesium - it relaxes the muscles of the uterine walls, eliminates spasms, and as a result, will leave irritability.

How to get rid of irritability and nervousness: is it time to relax?

The common reason for your bad mood, irritability and psychosis is lack of sleep. When the body on a regular basis is not getting the required daily 8 hours of rest, the accumulation of fatigue, it spills over into the chronic form. The consequences are: difficulty concentrating, irritation, mood swings. In such a situation can have serious health problems. To avoid this, you should pay close attention to the observance of the regime of sleep and rest. If you experience problems falling asleep is to try to make an evening stroll right before sleeping to drink tea with natural herbs or peppermint.

Why is everyone annoying and nothing pleases: a few words about the serious

Unstable psychological state (emotional lability), often indicates a disruption of the functioning of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). In cases where the change of mood, added fatigue, dry skin, weight gain (not related to changes in nutrition) – it is recommended to consult a endocrinologist and to hand over the analysis on hormones of a thyroid gland.

Fatigue, irritability, impaired concentration, dry mucous membranes and skin, frequent urination and constant thirst could be signs of diabetes. The analysis of glucose in the blood.

If to psychological variability and unexplained irritability is added heaviness in the stomach, bloating, problems with a chair – no) can not do, it is necessary to check the digestive system.