You will need
  • connection to the Internet.
  • directory.
Phone numbers of the military unit provides to relatives of employees. Verify the exact location of this military unit, perform the appropriate search on the Internet. Visit the most visited forum of the city and create a topic with the information you need. Probably, someone from relatives of employees will help you with these instructions.
To search for a phone number you are interested in military parts use the open information available on the Internet, e.g. on the following website: Also try searching on specific thematic forums, which may have already covered this topic in relation to the desired military unit.
Please contact the help Desk of city telephone stations and find out the phone number you are interested in the military side. Please note that this information may be confidential, therefore it can not be provided to you by the operator. In this case, find out the phone number of the parent organization, where, presumably, it will be possible to find the desired contact.
If you are aware of the exact location of the military unit to find information with the help of special guides, for example, on the website or in special databases, sold on CD-ROM in the appropriate outlets in your city that, unlike the online services may contain a more complete and accurate information about a particular object.
Please note that phone numbers can change periodically, so try to use the most relevant database to ensure the best search results. Do not use paid services to find rooms which offer such services for sending SMS, it's more likely the fraudsters ' tricks.