Diet in chronic pancreatitis

Nutritional therapy in chronic pancreatitis is aimed at normalizing the functions of the pancreas and significantly improves its condition. Prohibited dishes are fried, baked, stewed, and foods with rough fiber.

You can not eat: meat, mushroom, fish, broths, smoked products, sausage products, canned food, pickles, mushrooms, spices. Not recommended too cold and too hot food.

It is important not to convey, but the caloric content of the daily diet must comply with physical activity. You need to eat 5-6 times a day, the portions should be small. The products are crushed, boiled, steamed. The diet includes foods with a laxative effect.

Protein foods in chronic pancreatitis

In chronic pancreatitis in the menu to increase the number of protein products, reduce the amount of carbohydrates and fats. Protein is required for reduction processes, the amount can reach up to 130 grams per day (of which about 30% of proteins of plant origin).

The diet in chronic pancreatitis should include the following protein products: beef, veal, lean pork, rabbit meat, Turkey, chicken, lean fish. Can't eat lamb, fatty pork, game, duck, goose.

Minced meat in the form of steamed or boiled. Also preparing lean fish. The consumption of meat and fish with low fat content is the prevention of fatty degeneration of the liver.

Milk it is recommended to add to soups, porridge when cooked. Even if this product in its pure form is well tolerated, the day should drink no more than 100 ml of warm milk.

In chronic pancreatitis healthy fresh milk products: cottage cheese, low-fat and non-spicy cheese. Whole eggs are not for eating, but the diet should include steam and protein omelets.

Fats in the diet in chronic pancreatitis

The diet in chronic pancreatitis include fats in a daily amount of not more than 70 grams (about 80% animal fats) that consumed together with other foods. Butter added to prepared dishes just before eating.

Vegetable oil used only with good tolerability of the product. Eliminate margarine, culinary fats, pork, and beef fat.

Foods that contain carbohydrates

Menu for chronic pancreatitis should be no more than 350 grams of carbohydrates. Allowed rice, buckwheat, pasta, semolina, oatmeal, dried bread, crackers, honey, sugar, jam, syrup. Exclude brown bread, buns and pastries.

Menu enter vegetables: potatoes, beets, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin. Products are boiled or steamed. Boiled vegetables recommended to be consumed in the mashed form with the addition of a cereal decoction. Exclude from the diet cabbage, sorrel, lettuce, radish, turnips, beans, the crude not wiped vegetables and fruit, cranberries.

In chronic pancreatitis are recommended apples sour varieties. Them bake, wipe, prepare compote. Prohibited: strong tea, cocoa, coffee, chocolate, alcoholic beverages, soda, ice cream.