Preferential credit credit card. These loans have low interest rates or lack of them. To them can, for example, pensioners, students. Without interest you can get a loan, having a credit card. Usually banks allocate interest-free period of 50 days, although depending on the specific Bank's terms may be slightly different.
Preferential loans to pensioners. Today there is a widespread program of issuing credit to people who have reached retirement age. For women it is 55 to 75 years for men from 60 to 75 years. Interest rates range from 15% to 17%. The application for the issuance of preferential loan deals for two days, and the maximum – 1.5 million rubles.
Soft loan for a large family. If a family has three or more children under the age of 18, it is possible to get a mortgage in the amount of 15 million rubles for a period up to 30 years. If the children are taught in higher and secondary special institutions, the grace period is extended to they reach the age of 23 years. Time of military service is also included in the grace period. The first loan payment can be deferred for 3 years. A quarter of the whole amount of the mortgage debt is paid by the family, the rest can be paid for by state subsidies.
A soft loan for the construction for a young family. A mortgage loan allows you to purchase an apartment or to begin construction of their homes. In the latter case, the state subsidy is up to 40 percent of the cost of housing. The most important condition of this loan is working spouse and their ability to pay, citizenship of the Russian Federation and insured housing.
Soft loans for business. Individual entrepreneurs and organizations can take credit without collateral to grow your business, if they can prove the profitability of your business and will show a good business plan. Banks are reluctant to loan to organizations representing national interests, or the development of new technologies.
Preferential loan. Cars produced in Russia cost less than 600 thousand rubles, can be purchased on preferential terms from 7.5 to 9.5 per cent for the period up to 3 years. This lending program will include domestic cars (VAZ, GAZ, etc.) and foreign (Ford Focus, Renault Logan, etc.).
Subsidized loans for veterans. In accordance with the law, the veterans and participants of combat operations are eligible for loans on concessional terms for the purchase or construction of housing, farmlands, etc. But, unfortunately, in practice this is difficult to achieve, since the means to provide these soft loans should come from the government's stockpile and local budgets. In addition, banks consider such a category of citizens insolvent.