First, this deficiency can be a result of a violation of the formulation. So, crumble the bread may be too small introduction to the dough fat - this dough turns out too dry and after baking quickly begins to crumble. The quality of breadand suffer excessive entry into the dough of salt or insufficient application of water. The bread will crumble when cutting if the dough is made a large number of yeast and the dough rose too high.Second, this issue may occur if the production process were violated by the mode of kneading and letting dough rise. Very crumbly the bread, the dough for which was poorly mixed, because in the kneading of flour stands out gluten, necessary for the proper binding of the dough and forming the loaves. Many modern bakeries to increase production and reduce the time needed for dough rise ( according to the old regulations, the dough had to rise for four hours), apply a special chemical dough conditioners - cysteine, amylase, calcium acetate, sodium thiosulfate. These chemical additives reduce the time needed to make the dough rise more than 4 times to just 50 minutes. However, the result of this time savings is that this "quick" bread is very crumbly when cutting. Third, the bread crumbles due to too low acidity of the dough rising, from which it is prepared. Reduced acidity test can be a result of the changes required for the baking quality of flour - namely, the properties of natural proteins and complex proteins. To fracture, the use of low quality flour with a low percentage of gluten in it.Also the bread may crumble when errors in temperature and time of baking, temperature and humidity storage conditions. Slabolepszy crumbly bread, which is too early removed from the oven. Or, alternatively, the furnace temperature was not maintained at the required level is too dry the bread will crumble. When storing freshly baked breadand a draught, nanocrystal - he, too, may begin to crumble.
Why crumble the bread
There are a large number of possible explanations for the fact that the bread is very crumbly. All the reasons for this should be sought on breadrated output or storage location.

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