Help the addict can be divided into two stages: before and after treatment. Until you persuade him to treatment while he denies the existence of relationships or claims that it is not a problem for him, your position must be extremely hard. Once you know that your child, sibling or spouse is using drugs, talk to him about it. Do not read notation, and ask him, try to understand his position. What does he think about this? What are his plans? If he was going to be treated?

Of course, you are arriving in shock, but the scandals will only worsen the situation. Addiction is not an isolated misdemeanor, and chronic illness with your prerequisites, symptoms and consequences. Stories about harm to health and attempts to appeal to the conscience it is, unfortunately, not treated. If the person is still not ripe for treatment, do not drag him by force in expensive clinics and magicians-charlatans.

You can inject the drug, relieving withdrawal and outputting the drug from the body, but you can't inject in the head of the dependent with the idea that he needs to stop using drugs. And especially no pill which will give him the will to abandon the desired potion. So what can you do? Be extremely tough. Assemble your own will in a fist, inform loved ones about your problem. Explain to them that they should be careful with the money may not loan, not financial help. It's hard to say, but it would be better if they learn from you and support than if they will whisper it behind your back.

In any case do not let the "dose". Do not give in to blackmail and provocations, do not destroy the native people by their own hands. Each "last time" you will swear and bow legs, but this last time did not come until the addict has run out of money.

If the addict is stealing stuff and presents for you and your family members the danger, change the locks and evict from the house. Put the condition that let me go back just after treatment. It seems extreme, but this extreme is often dependent helps to roll with the curve of the track. Finding himself on the street in hunger and cold, an addict begins to see", begins to realize where he rolled and look for the exit.

Do not lie, do not cover, do not invent excuses to friends, employers or teachers of the addict. He must himself be responsible for his life. Covering absenteeism and punctures, you prolong the way of the addict to the bottom. A genuine solution to be treated, as a rule, there is at the very bottom.

Contact your therapist or psychiatrist. The specialist will advise you, answer your questions, tell you how best to proceed in your case. A therapist will help you to stop looking for blame and get rid of codependency, which often affects family members of drug addicts. After a close person would want to be treated, change the "temper justice with mercy", a support, but be careful.

Help to choose a place for treatment and rehabilitation. The addict himself can not cope with this task. If you have no money for paid treatment, contact addiction free. On the account the first time there are not set, and assistance will be provided approximately the same as in private clinics.

Treatment consists of medication part (removal of withdrawal, detoxification) and psychiatric rehabilitation, which takes place when the patient is living at home. The second part of treatment is particularly important and long-lasting. We can say that in the rehabilitation the addict needs throughout later life.

It is now that you need her close as ever. But your goal is not in the snooping and sniffing out traces of repeated drug use and not intimidating. You need to forget about drugs. Not to remind about them, not goad the man of his recent past.

The addict will learn to live again, to find purpose and support, to learn to find the strength to overcome challenges, relieve stress, spend time and enjoy life without drugs. Become a good friend to him. Be respectful, try to be interested in something exciting and useful, take.

Very often, after treatment, relapses occur. In such cases you will have to start all over again. It is very hard to endure, but try not to lose heart. I want to briefly write about what not to do, although such thoughts come to mind, many parents of addicts.

So: don't move and don't send a drug addict in the village, do not send him to the army, not jail. These "brilliant ideas" have a simple logic – to postpone their "blood" from a drug hide away. But, alas, these days get the drugs anywhere, especially in the army or in prison. Of moving you can think about it after treatment.

A change of scenery and lack of reminders and "socolinicova" can have a positive impact on rehabilitation. The goal of addiction treatment is a long remission. There is no way to permanently get rid of drug addiction. But if the addict has a desire to recover and close by are the educated professionals and loving people, then there is a chance.