If you just don't like fish

Eating seafood is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis. Acids omega-3 contained in fatty fish, increase the efficiency of the brain, make blood vessels more elastic, promote the dissolution of cholesterol plaques.

However, the misuse of this product is fraught with troubles. In particular, if the fish is undercooked, that is the risk of catching intestinal parasites. In addition, the river varieties are often the "fount" of harmful substances that the fish absorbed through contaminated water.

There is a solution – use other seafood caught in clean ocean waters. These include: shrimp, mussels, squid and many others. Minus the seafood that they need to eat fresh, without pre-freezing. But such products are expensive and not available in every region.

If you have allergies

Often refuse to make fish not taste preferences, and basic intolerance of the body. Indeed, fish is a powerful allergen, can trigger anaphylactic shock from the first bite.

If you are looking for something to replace the fish, and don't want to eat meat, lean on dairy products. Cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt – is a great easy sources of animal protein that can replace fish and meat.

Also, you should include in the diet of egg dishes – omelettes, eggs welded soft-boiled, etc. But one must always keep in mind if you are allergic to fish, it is possible that your body will not accept, and the yolks with the lactose. Then it is necessary to revise menu in favor of plant foods.

If you are a vegetarian

Those who refused to animal food, are constantly looking for new products instead of fish and meat. Their range is much wider than it might seem at first.

In the first place worth mentioning are the rich sources of vegetable protein like beans. The most valuable of them is lentils, containing a large amount of iron. However, don't overuse legumes, as they can cause flatulence.

But tofu, made from soy milk, you can eat almost without limit. The advantage of tofu in isoflavones that stimulate the production of enzymes that support the health of blood vessels and circulatory system, preventing heart attacks and strokes.

In addition, an excellent replacement fish are seeds, nuts and vegetable oil, particularly linseed. These products contain large amounts of unsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and contribute to the transformation of fat into energy.