Innate homosexuality is a very rare phenomenon. In fact, people who are born gay, about two percent worldwide. That is, these gay men can meet as rare as conjoined twins.

Hence the fair question: "Then why is there so many supporters of same-sex love?". Only among some of the stars of Hollywood — a lot of people with a different sexual orientation. Actors, designers, singers, models boldly declare their preferences for the same sex. To do it became fashionable. Many fans of the stars begin to imitate the stars of show business. In countries where legalized same-sex marriage, not ashamed to be gay and announce it publicly.

What is it: psycho-physical pathology, the norm or the aberration? On this issue I different specialists from the field of sociology, medicine, psychology. Currently, democratic views are very strong, and people respect other people's choices. Here and there you can find men kissing.

Same-sex love has existed in all times. Many kings are not shy about their affiliation to men and did not hide it. By the way, even among primitive people homosexual contacts were as frequent as heterosexual. Also homosexuality is found in cattle, higher primates and some bird species.

From the history

In countries such as Greece, Persia and Rome love for the boys of the Greeks was required. They believed that intimate relationships with young men adult men had attached it to adulthood. In Ancient Greece for same-sex love was taken very seriously. The relationship between the representatives of the strong half of humanity stood. It was believed that the feelings between men was filled with moral charm.

During the spread of Christianity, homosexuality was considered a mortal sin. Gays began to harass, to humiliate, to punish. Despite this, homosexuality continued to flourish. In the middle Ages in Europe, the members of the monasteries believed that heterosexual contact is an even greater sin than homosexual.


In all times people expressed different assumptions concerning the occurrence of homosexuality. As can be seen, only a few people are born with different sexual preferences. But this is not to say that gays are sick people. They just don't like it. Other men become homosexuals because of the imposed ideals of the imitation of idols, fashion, and psychological trauma childhood.