The most common type of massage – classic back massage. He may like to tone the muscles of the patient's body, elevate mood, and relieve tension and soothe. Massage also helps to relieve the pain, organize the work of the nerve centre and alongside the main therapy to assist in treatment of internal organs.

What you need to know about massage?

First of all, to massage benefits, you need to find an expert who will not only take into account all peculiarities of the body Constitution and diseases, but also be able to win and will not allow the massage to cause irreparable harm to the body.

During the session all muscles of the body should be relaxed. Could not be better suited for this position lying on his stomach. The direction of rotation of the head during the massage doesn't matter.

Classic back massage built on the gradual methods which are executed in strict sequence. Chaotic motion can cause microtrauma in the muscles or General nervousness of the patient. All the movements should be directed from the bottom up. The spine, lymph nodes and closely spaced to the skin to massage the organs (especially vibrating) is simply forbidden.

Use of classical back massage

When properly carried out massage is a total body cleansing, increases metabolism, promotes fat burning and weight loss, improves the function of the sebaceous and sweat glands, activates blood circulation, improves muscle tone, clears the skin from dead skin particles and oxygenated.

In addition, it increases blood flow to the muscles, which are elastic, are not suffering from an excess of lactic acid (as is the case during exercise).

Massage improves blood supply not only massaged area, but also the internal organs; increases or, conversely, reduces the required indicators of the blood, thereby helping patients with certain chronic diseases such as iron deficiency anemia.

Classic back massage improves the nervous system, restores the communication of nerve endings with the cerebral cortex, the entire circulatory system and internal organs, helping to relieve pain and to control mood.

Contraindications for massage

However, the classic massage can not only bring benefits to the body and significantly harm humans, so there are a number of contraindications for it.

If you have a chronic illness, increased body temperature, there are acute inflammatory processes in the body or you just feel General malaise, then the massage is better to abstain and consult with your doctor.

If during the massage you feel pain or discomfort, then the session must immediately end. He may not just do not help to cope with the task, but also lead to serious consequences – damage to muscle and even nervous system.