The use of burdock in diseases

It is scientifically proven that burdock, and common burdock has healing properties, so its popularity is so high. Most often used for the treatment of burdock root first (it is collected only in autumn) or second (going in late spring or summer) year of life. Burdock root is rich in various beneficial ingredients, including essential oils, resin, polysaccharide, insulin, protein, vitamin C, mineral salts, fat-like substance and tanning. Based on it, preparing all sorts of decoctions, infusions, powders, extracts and excerpts.

Thanks to its composition of unique substances of this medicinal plant is diuretic, diaphoretic, analgesic and choleretic action. Quite often, the treatment burdock is used by dermatologists. Having excellent healing properties, the juice of the fresh leaves of burdock is effective in trauma, burns, or long-healing wounds. It is also able to relieve itching and allergic manifestations on the skin. Burdock decoction perfectly helps in the treatment of boils, various rashes, acne, herpes, psoriasis. Compresses from fresh leaves of burdock is used in osteochondrosis, rheumatism, diseased joints.

The presence of laxative, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic effect is one of the most valuable properties of burdock. Using the infusion of the roots of burdock, you can cure stomach ulcers, gastritis, kidney disease. Along with this, this infusion has been successfully used in inflammation of the mucous membranes (mouth, throat, nose, stomach, intestines). Also it is recommended to use burdock as a preventive measure against calcification and kidney stones. Daily use of decoction of burdock has a restorative effect on the entire body.

Burdock is effective in diseases of the female body. The juice from the leaves will help in the fight against uterine fibroids, the root – in heavy uterine bleeding and a fresh sheet will eliminate the pain during the inflammation of the mammary glands during lactation.

Contraindications to treatment

Thistle, like most medicinal plants, has a wide range of contraindications. The main of them is the idiosyncrasy and the use during pregnancy or lactation. Before application it is necessary to consult a specialist.