Usually strawberry seedlings are planted in the garden in late summer or early September to give the plant an opportunity to take root and stand the test of winter cold. If this deadline you missed, it is recommended to delay planting until mid-April. Early strawberry varieties experienced gardeners planted under the film, because it allows them to get the first crop of berries in may.

To know when ripe early strawberries, you should be familiar with the characteristics of the variety. This herbaceous plant can bear fruit only once during the warm season or have sposobnosti repeatedly to blossom and bear new fruit within one vegetation period (everbearing strawberry).

Among the first group can be identified such early varieties as "Olivia", "Cleary", "Czech Beauty", "dawn", "Kama". With proper care for seedlings they can begin to bear fruit already in 15-22 may. During the first summer month you can collect quite a bountiful harvest of strawberries. The period of activity in cultivars with single fruiting is very short, however, in favourable climatic conditions they are able to go through another development cycle and bring new and abundant harvest.

Berries everbearing varieties if they are grown under plastic flooring, also begin to ripen early – late spring. Fruiting strawberries will come in waves: in June you will get the first harvest; in early July the bushes will be a second batch of berries in mid-August will begin the third stage of fruiting herbaceous plants.

Popular everbearing varieties of strawberries – "Queen Elizabeth 2", "Brighton and Hove", "Lyubava", "the Rhine waltz", "Tribute", "Uralochka". If there is no frost, they can give you the fresh berries even in September. Autumn winter-hardy plants are covered, and overwintered leaves in the spring immediately accepted to work for the harvest."

Some varieties remain dormant overwintering buds. Once prigreet sun of may, the strawberry comes early flowering and you get the long-awaited sweet berries.