Be sure to pay attention to the operation of the machine. If in the process of making coffee shows problems, the matter may be properly selected coffee. Be aware that flavored coffee in the coffee machine is not recommended.
If you have a coffee machine with ceramic or metal burrs, this coffee is not worth buying. The thing is that the flavors extracted from beans, eat through plastic container. In addition, the millstone coffee from this coffee clogged and rusting. The service life of the device is greatly reduced especially quickly becomes unsuitable filling mechanism. For similar reasons, avoid beans that have been roasted with sugar and other additives.
When buying ground coffee, if the statement permits its use, you need to pay attention to the grinding. You should not choose a fine grind that can clog the chamber brew mechanism. If the coffee begins to flow in small streams, with difficulty, it is necessary to replace the grinding the larger.
Do not buy too buttery grain. They usually occur in freshly roasted coffee. The use of such grains may cause the burrs of the grinder will begin to rust. Also, the device may be clogged with coffee ground.
For coffee machines that have ceramic burrs, the selection of wines is of paramount importance, since such burrs are sensitive to grain hardness. If the preparation of coffee, you hear extraneous noise or resets the pan of spent coffee, you need to buy grains of another variety. Don't forget to pay attention to the grinding.
Instant coffee in the machine cannot be used. Buy ground organic coffee, it has to be special coarse. Select only coffee beans that recommended by the manufacturers of coffee machines. Usually it's coffee production of well-known brands that pay attention to the quality of the grain.
Famous manufacturers guarantee the absence of stones among the coffee beans or other foreign objects. Grain packaging is always of the highest quality. This ensures that the machine will not be spoiled by poor quality raw materials.
The manufacturer always writes the manuals recommendations on the subject of some coffee and a coffee machine you should choose the consumer. Carefully read the instructions. In it indicate the list of coffee manufacturers and recommended varieties. You can always choose from a list of suitable coffee, find it in the store and enjoy its great taste.
The degree of roasting coffee pick according to your taste. Settings the machine should be the following: set the coarse grind when using coffee, the dark roast. But the fine grind set in low roast coffee.
Coffee for coffee machines choose according to your taste. If you love soft acidity – buy 100% Arabica or a blend with a prevalence of Arabica. Fans bitterness and thick foam is better to choose a coffee blend, in which a high content of Robusta.