Oddly enough, walking is one of the most effective and affordable exercise that allows you to spend a large amount of calories. Depending on your weight, terrain, additional tools you can burn from 250 to 450 calories per hour. If you have the opportunity to walk to work with weighting, to climb stairs without using the Elevator, walk to a nearby Park with your child, you can significantly increase your daily calorie consumption.
Horse riding is a great way to put in order figure. It helps to burn extra calories, makes your buttocks, inner thighs, and flattens the tummy. Depending on your weight and the efforts an hour of such a workout, you can get rid of 200 to 600 calories.
Swimming is wonderful cross training. First, it provides a hydro-massage whole body, and secondly, allows you to burn huge amount of calories. Of course, to get rid of excess calories, you need to swim hard and not relaxed to move around the pool. Depending on your weight, style of swimming and water temperature you can burn up to 1000 calories per hour. In this respect, the voyage is almost the champion of the exercise, however, it is worth considering that the habit to continuously swim at least half an hour can be very difficult.
Dancing is a great way to burn calories with pleasure. The vigorous types of dances like Latin or Zumba can burn up to 800 calories per hour. Less intensive types of dances such as belly dancing help to get rid of 300-600 calories per hour.
The bike is a very energetically expensive form of transport. In the warm season you can change the public transport for a bike, and at the same time to correct the shortcomings figures. Depending on speed, slope, terrain and your weight you can burn for an hour to 1000 calories. For cities, public transport is the best place to buy folding bikes, to be able in case of serious fatigue to use public transport.
Jumping rope is a simple and very effective way to get rid of excess calories. They can do if you have no problems with his knees and joints. Jumping rope at home even, it improves the shape of the buttocks, tidy feet, besides an hour you can get rid of 720 calories, although, of course, to jump rope for an hour at a decent pace can be quite tricky.