It should be noted that nail fungus can be transmitted from infected person to a healthy in a place where there are favorable conditions for its life and reproduction. As a rule, it lives in a moist nutrient medium having a temperature of not more than 75 ° C. Mostly infected by the disease in public places such as baths, pools and saunas. The fact that the spread of the fungal infection instantly by contact with bare feet visitor of fungal spores remaining after a sick person. Gradually, the disease penetrates into the nail, destroying it.

In addition, a similar method, the fungus can be transmitted in the home from an infected household to other family members due to non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Thus, without taking any safety measures can be a long period of time to blight the lives and, accordingly, to make systematic visits to the dermatologist's office.

Also, lots of common areas simply do not conform to certain sanitary rules. It is known that strains of the fungus well enough multiply in poorly ventilated rooms, hardwood floors and in places which regularly arises the mildew and dampness. Such institutions include gyms, hotels, beaches. Consequently, to infect the fungal infection is enough to visit the above-mentioned unsanitary place, especially if people walk without shoes.

What are the different types of fungus nails

There are several varieties of fungi that infect nails. Each has its own symptoms. Fungus yeast nature is characterized by thinning of the nail bed directly on the sides, as well as its peeling and yellowing. In that case, if the particles of the nail plate has a brown or blue-green hue, this fact indicates the occurrence of moldy fungi. In addition, there are pathogenic fungi-dermatophytes, which often settle on the fingernails.

How to cure fungus nails

Typically, medical therapy of this illness begins with the diagnosis of species is by taking a tissue sample from the affected nail for laboratory analysis. The course of treatment prescribed by the specialist according to the variety of the fungus, the patient's age and stage of the lesion of the nail bed. Modern medicine offers a large number of effective pharmacological means to cure nail fungus. The initial degree of the illness can be cured by the systematic use of antifungal topical treatments, such as: "drug zistan", "terbinafine", "Canson", "Mikospor". In the case of penetration of the fungus inside the body you need a medication: "Nizoral", "Diflucan", "terbinafine", "Orungal". In addition, there are special plasters and medicated nail lacquers against fungi, for example "Loceryl". Note that the treatment of such diseases is long and requires patient persistence and patience.