Switch the mix only gradually. Start with small amounts and gradually go to the desired volume. Simultaneously with the increase in new mixtures, minimize the need to withdraw. Remember that any diluted milk formula in strict accordance with the recommendations specified on the packaging
In the first few days after the start of the transition to the new mixture at each feeding, try to give no more than 2/3 of the volume of food required by age. The remaining 1/3 will reimburse or water (boiled), or weak tea.
Watch carefully for the child. If you experience any skin rash, frequent vomiting or stomach upset, immediately stop feeding this mixture and immediately consult your pediatrician. At the reception, be sure to consult about a suitable mixture, which must be assigned taking into account the appearing allergic reactions.
After the final selection of the mixture does not need to search the options for its replacement. If this formula fits the child, it is best to not be. Most importantly, the baby was healthy and growing normally. The child's stomach and so it will be quite difficult to adjust to a new diet, which in itself is a stress, so you should not aggravate the frequent changes of power, and just let the child get used to a good mixture.
If the search for a new formula has begun due to the fact that the child has stopped gaining weight, then hurry up with the replacement food is not worth it. This phenomenon will be treated to the natural physiology. Of course, you can try to take the baby on the mixture, which contains more nutrients, however it is impossible to hurry – the baby just grows in leaps and bounds.
Often to change the mixture is not necessary for another reason – the regular change of the mixture will cause much stress to the body and can not only stop the weight gain a child, but also lead to his loss. If weight gain does not occur more than 2 weeks, contact your pediatrician for recommendations.
Remember that in any case it is impossible to change the mix as soon as noticed a change of chair baby. If you experience this symptom, consult your doctor, do not take independent decisions, if you are not a pediatrician. It is important not to harm the child, but to help. If the child remains quite active in a good mood, then most likely all right.