The child is 1-2 months of life, empties the bowels 3-5 times a day, which is the norm. Many children of this age to commit an act of defecation right after eating, is caused by this process because when sucking aktiviziruyutsya intestinal peristalsis. Normal newborns eat 3-4 hours 7-8 times a day, so a five-fold chair is quite acceptable and is not a sign of diarrhea, if it looks properly.
Infants first month of life, the chair normally has the form of a liquid yellow mass. Diarrhea caused by functional disorder, the bowel movements are reminiscent of water mixed with yellow flakes. If the child's body has not learned to process lactose, i.e. milk sugar in the stools appear white flakes. Sometimes the diarrhea is green, this manifestation is due to the decrease in the activity of enzymes and lack of bile juice in digestion.
After two months of life in normal stool in an infant is getting brown and mushy. With the development of diarrhea stool have the appearance of a liquid mixture, usually of yellow color. Babies older than six months who were given supplementary feeding, if you experience diarrhea visible in stool undigested food veins.
In cases where diarrhea is caused by infectious pathogens in the stool of the child are observed by different inclusions in the form of small prills, flakes and bubbles will appear. Foamy diarrhea evidence of the development of pathogenic microflora in the intestines, this requires additional inspection and targeted treatment. Another sign of infection – purulent content in the stool. With the development of an infectious inflammation of the intestines of the baby is celebrated and a number of other symptoms – vomiting, fever.
With the development of enteritis, i.e. inflammation of the small intestine in liquid the stool, the child appear the clots of mucus. When a strong inflammatory process in the intestine in the stool may appear fresh blood.
Diarrhea the intestines of the child defecates, as a rule, more than 7 times. Kid tormented by the pain in the abdomen, he becomes Moody, bad eating and drinking. Before the act of defecation the child kicks legs and cries on palpation of the abdomen marked abdominal distension.
Since the diet of an infant consists of milk, and the intestine is not inhabited by diverse microflora, stool of the baby does not have an unpleasant smell. Diarrhea is disturbed cleavage of milk enzymes, changes the microflora, therefore, the stools acquire a very unpleasant smell.