Professional in sales and very able to make good money. Consider the pros and cons of this profession. The main advantage of this profession is that you can sell anything. This can be a variety of product or service. You will have the opportunity to choose what you would like to sell, and selling what brings you pleasure. Your professional knowledge will always be in tone, and added, as have to constantly raise the level of education and skill. Knowledge about the product, about the market, competitors. The higher they are, the easier it will be to sell. Your schedule is likely to be irregular. This means that you will be able to do the daily routine. To adjust the number of calls, transactions and meetings. You will generate your income. As the earnings of the sales depends directly on the number and quality of sales.
As for the cons of a profession, here they are. A big burden, limit the dynamics of the work. A high degree of responsibility. This is, perhaps, all the disadvantages.
The sales Manager is quite popular profession, but the popularity there is always another side of the coin. The widespread belief that people in this sphere – Amateurs. That sale is for those who have not had a normal career. It is the alternate that you leave yourself in case you will not be able to land in some of the company's specialty. To work there can anyone, even a person without education. Opinion is that this profession requires specific knowledge and skills. The sales Manager – not having a career profession. The main skill that you need to have is the ability to "sell" unnecessary product. That can achieve success, only a person not honest at hand.
And in fact, real, true, that to find a good sales Manager is very difficult. Recruiters know this, and if the firm has an open vacancy, you will have to work hard in the selection process. Historically, getting an education, often a person changes the stream and goes to work not on a speciality. A true sales Manager should be by vocation and by education. His experience and skills should be recommended from other firms. Personal data base and communication established. The desire to work for the benefit of the company and personal commitment core indicator. A good sales Manager is interested in the future percentage of the transaction, and not a fixed salary. And if you match all the criteria – good salary and career growth are guaranteed.