"Cycloferon": method of application and doses

"Cycloferon" is taken at the first sign of the disease. Immunostimulatory drug is rapidly inhibits the multiplication of viruses and significantly increases the resistance of human body against infections of bacterial and viral nature.

In severe influenza an adult can take 6 tablets of Cycloferon" with a glass of water in the first, second and third day from the onset of the disease. Then a day three tablets. Kids from four years old recommended one pill during the first three days and one pill a day until the eighth day from the onset of the disease.

When declared a flu epidemic can be used "Cycloferon" as prevention is one pill a day for three weeks.

Additionally, you can use symptomatic therapy using antipyretic, expectorant drugs at the dose recommended in the annotation from the manufacturer.

Contraindications to the use of Cycloferon"

"Cycloferon" is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation, children under four years of age, patients with decompensated liver cirrhosis, disorders of thyroid function and hypersensitive.

With caution the preparation should be used by persons suffering from gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, duodenitis.

Before using "Cycloferon" will receive the recommendation of the attending physician.