Carrot fly - voracious malicious insect. Particularly annoying in wet warm years. In the garden it damages mainly plants of the Umbelliferae or celery. The most common and cultivated crops is carrots (main crop), parsley, parsnip, celery, dill. So to start protective measures is necessary before sowing.

  • The rotation must be respected and try to alternate all the culture of the family.
  • To be friends with the onion family (onions, garlic), tomatoes and grow them side by side. His harsh odors such plants have good "knock down" of insects.
  • Crops, especially carrots, carried out in early spring time.
  • To grow carrots need a Sunny, well-ventilated beds. Carrot fly likes shady and damp places and dense planting.
  • Thin out the plants have the appearance of 2-3 leaves, leaving discarded the plants in the garden, so as not to attract carrot fly smell.
  • Apply dusting landings, odorous substances and disorient pests other odors. For example, sprinkle the beds several times a week and after rain (irrigation) chopped sage, ground pepper, mustard, a mixture of tobacco, ash. Spray the leaves extracts of onion, garlic, tomatoes. You can use water infusion of liquid smoke.
  • After rain and irrigation to loosen and planting mulch coarse river sand or peat.
  • To include planting clean, weed weed.
  • Use in growing carrots sealing material (spunbond, lutrasil, etc.)
  • Removing the crop, it is not necessary to leave plant remains in the beds. Autumn digging of the soil to hold with the turning of the soil to as little as possible was left of the carrot fly larvae in the soil.

Particularly damaged varieties and culture

The most damaged varieties carrot is a Nantes variety, Shantan, having roots juicy and sweet. Varieties of carrots with long roots fly visits less frequently. Growing parsnips, parsley root, daikon should provide for the protection of crops from harmful carrot flies.

The carrot variety that is resistant to damage by the carrot fly

Hybrid bred by breeders with resistance to carrot fly damage - Nantic Resistively F1. This variety is early maturing (80-90 days), completely immersed in soil, sweet, juicy, small core. The length of the root 16-18cm, used in fresh and stored. The leaves contain little of chlorogenic acid, and therefore little to attract females of the carrot fly.