Treatment "Dimexidum"

"Dimexide" is a colorless transparent liquid having a characteristic garlic odor, and easily soluble in alcohol or water. It is usually used in the form of a lotion for injuries of the musculoskeletal system and muscle/joint pain. Assign "Dimexide" is only the doctor – and only after samples for sensitivity to the drug, which is performed to avoid unpleasant consequences.

"Dimexide" is a drug exclusively for local use – oral use can lead to death.

When assigning compresses with Dimexide" is required to observe the rules of safe behavior with the drug. Before using it you should wear rubber medical gloves and apply the product on a gauze bandage, which is then carefully superimposed on a diseased or injured part of the body. "Dimexide" is strictly forbidden to RUB the skin or rubbing the place that processed them. You also cannot change the dosage, which was prescribed by a doctor, but when mixed "Dimexidum" with the liquid it is necessary to ensure that the drug is completely dissolved in it. Undissolved particles "Dimexidum" can cause serious chemical burns.

Burn treatment

If after misuse "Dimexidum" the skin has a burn, you need to competently handle. Some applied to the burn already correctly diluted "Dimexide", but for the less extreme people, there are other, more gentle ways to treat a burn from "Dimexidum". Of medication you can use drugstore sea buckthorn oil or Panthenol, pre-wash burned skin with plenty of clean water. Strong chemical burn should be lubricated with prednisolone or hydrocortisone ointment.

To use the "Dimexide" is required in strict accordance with the recommendations specified in the instruction.

Also heal burns from "Dimexidum" will help liquid chlorophyll also sold in pharmacies. After applying on the affected area of the skin it stops the inflammatory process, highlighted neutralizes toxins, and has antibacterial and regenerating effects. Improvised can be used diluted in water starch – for this you need to add a couple of spoons of potato starch in a glass of room temperature water and smear this mixture burns from "Dimexidum". From above, it is desirable to apply a cabbage leaf and bandage the treated area.