Fortunately, thrush is not a dangerous disease responds well to treatment with the correct diagnosis and timely treatment to a specialist. Some women put a diagnosis on their own and self-medicate using traditional medicines without consulting a doctor. Don't do that, not to cause harm to your body and not to get the chronic form of the disease. Recipes alternative medicine is recommended in conjunction with medication.

Herbal douching

To get rid of a yeast infection, you need daily before bedtime to do douching. To do this, mix a teaspoon of calendula oil two drops of tea tree oil. Enter the mixed composition with a syringe (without a needle) into the vagina. In the morning you should douche with infusion of herbs. Mix one tablespoon of oak bark, chamomile and sage, add three tablespoons of nettle. All mix well. Two tablespoons of grass collection pour a liter of boiling water, insist in a thermos overnight. In the morning strain the infusion and use for douching.

Great for douching infusion prepared with a tablespoon of chamomile and two tablespoons of calendula. Collection pour a liter of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave overnight. In the morning strain and use for douching.

Salt, soda and iodine in the fight against yeast infection

Treatment of candidiasis at home effectively passes through the following method. Pour into a small saucepan one liter of water and put on fire. When the water boils, add two tablespoons of salt. After a couple of minutes turn off the heat and cool the solution. There also send a tablespoon of baking soda and ten drops of iodine, stir. Do vaginal douching the resulting composition twice (morning and evening) for five days.

Herbal tampons

Natural honey has the ability to fight off bacteria, inflammation and bacteria. This product is simply irreplaceable in the treatment of certain diseases, candidiasis is no exception. Take a cotton swab (you can make your own gauze and sew it to the string) and apply the liquid honey, enter into the vagina for thirty minutes. In just one procedure, you remove the itching and irritation, reduce the amount of living fungi.

The beneficial effect tampons dipped in low-fat yogurt. Enter the swab deep into the vagina and leave overnight. In the morning make a douche with infusion of chamomile. The itching usually disappears after a few such procedures. The treatment course is seven days.