Fungi of the genus Candidа part of the normal human microflora. In a small number of them can be detected in the oral cavity, intestines, vagina. Therefore, the disease is caused not just by the presence of fungi of the genus Candida, and their active reproduction. Most often candidiasis occurs with a decrease in immunity. To cure thrush, it is necessary to normalize the intestinal microflora. This can be achieved with a certain diet.
It is necessary to include in the diet of sour-dairy products, especially enriched with useful bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Fermented baked milk, varenets, Bifidok, bifilayf, tan, matzoon those products that have every day to be present in the diet. They create a favorable environment for growth of beneficial bacteria.
Fresh vegetables are sources of fiber. At least once a day to eat a salad of fresh carrots, cabbage, beets. Indigestible fiber is removed from the intestines excess sugar, toxins, cholesterol and normalizes digestion. Cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, fresh zucchini can also be eaten without restriction.
Foods that contain pectin, just necessary during the treatment of thrush. Pectin stool will form a ball and will create favorable conditions for the growth of "good" intestinal microflora. First and foremost, a lot of pectin in baked apples, so you should include in your daily diet at least one large baked Apple.
Jelly sweet berries and fruits with no added sugar suitable as dessert. Fruit jelly will help to normalize digestion. The starch contained in it, has the ability to envelop the mucosa of the stomach and intestines, protecting it from the negative effects.
Should give preference to cereals from whole grains (buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, quinoa). Useful to use corn grits. It is undesirable to have semolina, especially milk.
Water is an essential product required for normal functioning. Adult person per day should be drinking at least 1-1. 5 liters of water. It will accelerate the metabolic processes in the body and contribute to detoxification.
You can eat brown bread and whole grain and branny. But white fresh bread under the full ban. Yeast and easily digestible carbohydrates will cause fermentation in the gut, and accelerate the proliferation of fungi. Very good substitute for bread will be bread. Sweet breads, especially yeast dough, should be excluded from the diet.
Fruits can be consumed, are especially useful apples, pears, pineapple. They contain a lot of fiber (rind, septum, bones). A total ban grapes because of the high content of sugar. Fruit drinks, including fresh juice, do not drink people with yeast infection. Juices a huge amount of fruit sugar and no fiber, the juice causes the fermentation processes in the intestine and growth of fungal microflora.
Sugar will have to abandon or minimize its consumption. Elevated levels of glucose in the blood always promotes the growth of fungal flora. Do not drink sweet drinks, try to reduce the portion of sugar in tea and coffee. Refrain from sweets, milk and white chocolate. During treatment you can eat a little dark chocolate.
Alcohol also should not be used during treatment. Must dispense drinks obtained by the method of fermentation (wine, champagne, beer). It is not necessary to drink whole milk. Adults it is not very well tolerated.
Prepared meat-containing products (sausages, frankfurters) by themselves are useless. They contain large amounts of preservatives, flavor enhancers and other additives. During treatment, the sausages should be limited.