If polkilo thick jam, then it is possible to bake a cake. Of the same or liquid make low-alcohol wine, which strength is 10-12%.

Preserves are made from different berries and fruits. Nobody is surprised by the sweetness, made from papaya, mango, feijoa. If the house has podcase jam from these overseas fruit, cooked wine from them will have an exotic aroma.

Wine with rice

For homemade soft drink you can use any jam, the top of which has not yet formed a mould.
It is impossible to prepare the wine to use the moldy jam. The taste of the drink will be ruined.

If the farm has yeast from raisins, then prepare the drink according to the following recipe. Take:

- 100 g of yeast, raisins or 100 g rice;
- 2 liters of water;
sugar – to taste.

If jam is very sweet, the last ingredient can be added.

Depending on the amount of jam, place it into an appropriate container – a jar, enamel pot or bucket.

It is impossible to shift to ferment jam in aluminum cookware, or you'll get an oxidation reaction and the product will be harmful substances. Use a glass or enamel bowl.

If the jam is not very sweet, dissolve one kilogram of sugar in a liter of warm water, add jam, the remaining water and mix. Put the yeast or rice, not washed.

The resulting syrup pour into a bowl, it should not reach the edges of a third, because the wine will ferment. This process in a warm place will begin in a few hours. The container lid does not cover, and put on top of cloth towel.

After fermentation stops, the wine must be filtered through a double layer of cheesecloth into glass jars and put within.

The continuation of the process

The jar, put on a glove made of thin rubber and puncture it on any finger. You can make a water slide. To do this, close the jar with a plastic lid, insert the needle from the medical kit, a dropper, and the end of the tube attaches to the system, lower to 10 inches in a container of water.

The wine must ferment for about 3 weeks. A day gently shake it, to avoid mold.

When the wine becomes clear, carefully pour it through a double layer of cheesecloth into another container without touching the precipitate. Pour the wine into bottles, cap and store in the basement or in the refrigerator for a month.

After 30 days it is filtered and you can start tasting drink. Wine jam is ready.