Strawberry – loving plant. Grows well in southern and South – Eastern side of the site. The soil for planting should be prepared in advance. The ground should be thoroughly dug with making leaf mold. Why leaf? Just this berry is very receptive to nutrients contained in humus. And the manure of animals is unacceptable. After planting a strawberry seedling in the garden of good idea to lay straw chaff or weed the plot, grass. This "coat" retains moisture and gives tender roots to dry out. In addition, the patch will not be overgrown with weeds. Continue to shed a bed of superphosphate solution ( for 10 liters of water – 20 g fertilizer).

During flowering it is good to spray the plants with an infusion of ash. To prepare it, take 1 litre jar of birch ash and insist 3 days in 8 liters of boiling water. The solution was then filtered and the treatment is performed by sprinkling method, preferably with a garden watering can.

After harvest the strawberry tops cannot be cut. This technique leads to a strong weakening of the uterine bushes. So the winter berries is prepared as follows: immediately after fruiting and harvest shrubs strawberry feed nitrophoska (matchbox spoon on a water bucket). Before frost bed covered with spruce branches which in early spring need to be removed.

Now, how to rejuvenate a strawberry planting. Contrary to popular belief, strawberries can successfully grow and fruit in one place 7 – 10 years. Transplant the bushes for this is not required. And do the following: a large hunting knife to carefully cut out the old roots immediately after harvest. And the next day fed landing such a solution: 12 liters of water 1 liter of the slurry.

That's the trouble. With such farming techniques, a great crop of berries you provided!