To sit on the edge of the chair, hands rest against the chair. To stretch his legs so they touched the floor. Bend the legs to the torso and to pull back. To do 20 repetitions.
Lie down on your back, head facing the chair, hands hold the edge of the chair. Lift straight legs at ninety degrees, to lower. To do 20 repetitions.
In the same body position, lift legs from the floor at forty-five degrees and begin to bend the legs one by one. The first one flexion and extension, following the other do the same. Should go something like a big. Perform 20 repetitions for each leg.
This is the same location lying on your back. Legs bent at the knees, tighten both to his chest, trying to get the knee to straighten. To do 20 repetitions.
Lying on the floor, put my feet up on the chair. Arms extended above the head together. Tighten the body to the knees trying to get the hands to the heels. Perform 20 repetitions.
Lie down on your back, head facing the chair, hands hold the edge of the chair. Raise straight legs to 90 degrees, bend at the knees against the chest, straighten up. To do 20 repetitions.