Who are the contractors and sub-contractors

The contractor is the organization or enterprise legal person who concludes the contract with the customer, i.e. contract many to do some work. By and large, the customer the end result is important and the compliance of the object of the contractual relationship with all requirements that apply to this type of product, be it building a building or a software product. If the contract does not stipulate that all work will be performed by the contractor, you have the right to involve implementation by third parties, other companies, which in this case will be sub-contractors.

Construction, and many other activities, are licensed, i.e., to perform certain types of construction work requires special permit obtained after joining the self-regulating construction organization. To obtain this permit, the enterprise must be the required number of certified professionals who have this qualification, as well as special equipment to perform this type of work.

Because the construction process involves many different technologically separate types of works, the contractor may not have access to the performance of each of them. In this case, it is advisable to enlist one or more subcontractors entitled to the types of works for which no official permission from the contractor. A subcontractor is licensed, qualified specialists and special equipment to perform assigned him the work piece in accordance with further conclude the subcontract.

Contractual relationship with the subcontracting

The principal contract under which the work is done, is the one that is between the customer and the contractor. It is the contractor solely responsible for the obligations prescribed in this document. Only he is responsible to the customer for the execution of the contract and the compliance of the object with the established norms and rules. The difference between it and a subcontractor, that all warranties provided by contractor and all responsible, administrative and financial responsibility for him.

In turn, between the contractor and the subcontractor is also a separate subcontract that is subject to the same rules which are established by the Civil code of the Russian Federation on the contract. He, like any contract that determines the financial responsibility for failure to fulfil contractual obligations, negotiating the structure, terms and cost of work performed.