Toners help to visually hide skin imperfections, leveling the terrain. In addition, they make your skin blooming, masking signs of fatigue. Therefore, the benefits of such products in times more, than harm.

Myths about Foundation creams

The most common opinion – creams clog the pores, and hence provoke the appearance of blackheads and pimples. But it is misleading pure water, because the current tools do not contain hazardous coarse particles, which do not allow the skin to breathe. The cover-up consists of a silicone base and fine particles – dust in desired shade. So the cream forms on the skin a fine mesh, through which the cells are supplied with oxygen.
Using Foundation to conceal blemishes, spider veins, bruising and fine lines. To do this, use the correctors in green, yellow and other colors.

Often women believe that creams contribute to aging, irritated skin. In fact, this makeup contains nourishing oils, vitamins and other nutrients that moisturize the skin and protect. But for this when choosing products you must consider your skin type and buy quality cream.

For dry skin are best suited tone base with moisturizing effect, it must be sufficiently thick or in the form of a mousse. With oily skin you should buy more cream with minimal oil content so that the face is not shining.

How does the concealer on the skin

Makeup can even help fight inflammation and acne. To have a positive impact on problem skin in creams include salicylic acid and triclosan, which remove redness.

However, when using creams may still occur acne, but only in case if the skin after your makeup is not well cleared. Cosmetics harmful to leave for the night, before sleeping wash your face thoroughly, use a toner.
To fear negative effects on the skin tone of the cream only in the summer, this time of year is best to make a choice in favor of tinted moisturizer means.

It is believed that creams promote skin aging. After reviewing the composition of cosmetics, it is possible to ensure that remedies protect the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight. Their effects provoke the appearance of early wrinkles, and creams protect the epidermis due to the content of a sunscreen. To prevent the first wrinkles and allow the antioxidants included in cosmetics. They are beneficial to skin health.