Causes of hair around nipples in women

There are 2 main reasons for this phenomenon, as the hairs around the nipples for women:

The increase in the number of male hormones in the body. A similar phenomenon can be observed in the case of pregnancy, diseases of the endocrine system and also as a result of taking certain hormonal drugs.

Predisposition to hair around the nipples may be inherited. In other words, a woman can genetically inherit the sensitivity of androgen receptors.

What to do if you started to grow hair around nipple

If the hairs around my nipples appeared suddenly in a short period of time, or before, they had a few pieces, and now suddenly became more – be sure to visit endocrinologist. And try to do it in the near future. It is not excluded that you have problems with your hormonal level.

If the doctor found any abnormalities in the structure of your hormonal levels, can be somewhat complacent for your health of the hair around the nipples are not dangerous. However, women still often remain dissatisfied and wish lime excess vegetation. Because of this unpleasant behavior may be low self-esteem. However, you can find a solution - to remove the hairs that grow around the nipples.

How to deal with hair around nipples

So, here are some possible ways of removing hair around the nipples. The most common of them – arm of conventional tweezers. Capturing hair, sharp movement pull him in the direction of growth. After the elimination of all superfluous hairs wipe off the delicate skin area around my nipples with lotion. Of course, the result will not be long-term. After about 10 days, the vegetation will appear again.
It is not recommended to resort to shaving the vegetation around my nipples. You only for a very short time you will remove the outer part of the hair (it will become noticeable the next day). And most importantly, after this the hair will be noticeably tougher.

Removing hairs by means of hair removal. Using the latter effectively is under their influence of the hair and to a certain extent, his subcutaneous part can be dissolved, after which the area around the nipples is not difficult to wash off with a sponge.

However, these creams should not be abused. Avoid these tools on your nipples, rinse them in time and in everything follow the instructions. This procedure you have to repeat about every 10 days.

Trim the excess hair with scissors is a pretty safe method. After him there will be irritation, as after application to hair removal, but the effect itself is quite short.

Removing hair with wax and electric depilation can be somewhat painful. But the result may be stored up to 5 weeks.

There is a radical method, which will help to get rid of the hairs around my nipples, is electrolysis. Its essence lies in the elimination of germ cells in the follicle of the hair. This is done by introducing into the hair follicle, fine needles, through which is supplied an electric current. Although the skin it does not damaged it for some time may remain small bruises or scars.
Before heading to the beauty salon for unwanted hair removal method of hair removal, consult a doctor-mammologist.

Laser hair removal method is quite effective, if only the hair doesn't grow due to any violations of hormonal background. Significant advantages of this method are that it is safe and painless. To get rid of excess hair forever, you need to repeat the laser hair removal procedure a few times.

Epilation is another painless method, which is characterized by relatively long-lasting effect. However, limit yourself to just one session will not succeed.

Now you know what to do when the hair grows around the nipples.