You will need
  • - mustard powder;
  • - egg yolk;
  • - med;
  • - almond oil;
  • - rosemary oil;
  • - yogurt;
  • - onion juice;
  • - tincture of calendula;
  • - castor oil;
  • - nettle leaves;
  • - the roots of nettles.
If the hair loss continues, consult to the doctor-trichologist. He will assess the condition of the scalp and hair and prescribe the appropriate course of treatment. It usually includes mesotherapy, ozone therapy and laser therapy, acupressure head. In addition, the specialist will select for you the best means on care of hair.
Mesotherapy is a treatment of hair useful cocktails, which include zinc, melanin, vitamin b and other components. The course consists of eight treatments and lasts about 4-5 weeks. The result stops the process of hair loss, they become more healthy and beautiful.
When ozone therapy under the skin of injected ozone-oxygen gas mixture, thereby improving the tissue respiration and nutrition of hair follicles, the scalp is cleaned from pathogenic bacteria.
After birth, on hair is beneficial and good nutrition women. Eat only fresh and natural products. Avoid salted, smoked and pickled foods.
Properly care for your hair. Wash buy shampoos and balms, conditioners. Dry the head without the use of a hot dryer. Hot air can be dangerous for healthy hair, not to mention weak and needing the protection of the hair after childbirth. Comb hair brush with soft natural bristles. Avoid metal combs – they pull their hair.
In the fight with hair loss is a good homemade mask. One of them is mustard. For its preparation mix 1 tablespoon of mustard powder, 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp. honey and almond oil, a few drops of rosemary essential oil. Pour the resulting mixture 100 ml of yogurt and massage into the scalp. Wrap it with polythene and warm towel, and after 30-40 minutes rinse hair with shampoo. This mask beautifully balances the sebaceous glands.
Actively used for vulnerable hair. onion mask. Take the juice of one onion and mix it with calendula tincture, egg yolk, castor oil, and 1 tsp of honey. Add the weight of a few drops of any essential oil (rosemary, lavender or sage). Apply the mixture on your head for half an hour, and then remove it with shampoo. Onion masks are considered to be excellent hair growth stimulant. Essential oils neutralise the unpleasant smell of onions.
A universal remedy against hair loss is a decoction of nettles. In addition, it strengthens hair, enhances growth and eliminates dandruff. Prepare a decoction of crushed leaves and rhizomes of nettle, taken as 1 tbsp, and 200 ml of water. Boil it for half an hour on a slow fire, cool and strain. Daily RUB your scalp, not washing and not wiping it with a towel.