The reason

There are many causes of itching in the ears. Often the cause of the pain are their own actions, for example, the constant use of cotton swabs. In this case, their further use, or attempt to get rid of pain with their help will only lead to the deterioration of the situation.

Another common cause of itching is otitis externa – inflammation caused by fungal infection or bacteria. It is accompanied by dryness and peeling of skin, watery discharge and pain.

Causes of itching can be: eczema, psoriasis, frequent water treatments, hot and humid climate, getting in the ear of hair spray, shower gel or bath foam, various types of allergies.

Consult your doctor

The first step in the treatment of itching ears is to address to the doctor. He will establish the exact cause of the itching, clean the ear canal and prescribe ear drops. In addition, a swab from your ear will determine whether it is fungal infection. In the case of the presence of the fungus the doctor will prescribe antifungal drops and ointments.
To rely on a drop in the long term is not necessary, because they can cause complications. After relieving itching for further treatment, use more gentle products of own production.

Home remedies

Getting rid of pain and itching using drops and ointments that treatment can continue medication homemade. The most common treatment is the solution consisting of one part alcohol and one part white vinegar. Fill the cavity of the ear with this solution using a pipette, hold it for a while, and then allow it to drain on their own. This solution helps to clean the ear canal, fight infection and improve hearing. You can perform this procedure 1-2 times a day for several days, but don't abuse it, because it can lead to complications.
If severe pain and no itching, this solution can be used instead of ear drops.


Getting rid of the itching in the ears and having the necessary treatment, you must take care of prevention. It will help to avoid recurrence of the problem.

Taking a shower or bath, put into the ear a small amount of cotton, it will help to avoid getting in the ear of excess water, shampoo, gels, etc.

To prevent earwax regularly use olive oil. Pour it in each ear for a few minutes and then rinse. Perform treatments 2-3 times a week before bed.

If you use a hearing aid, ear plugs or listening to music with headphones, lay them at the time of treatment. In the future, use them only when your ears will be completely dry and clean, for example, after showering or washing.