Useful properties of raisins

When drying the grapes retains almost all minerals and over 70% of minerals, so the consumption of raisins are recommended for children and adults. Raisins is a source of potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron.

What is the benefit of grapes? This berry:
- has a diuretic effect;
- removes harmful toxins from the body;
- removes the phlegm from the bronchial tubes;
- boosts immune function;
- normalizes the work of cardiovascular system;
is a natural sugar substitute.
It should be noted that due to the content in raisins antioxidants reduces the risk of tooth decay.

Application in folk medicine

Raisins are widely used for the treatment of certain diseases, so it is part of many traditional medicines.

To get rid of cold symptoms, you need 100 g raisins, pour a glass of boiling water, let stand for 15 minutes. In the resulting broth add 1 tbsp of onion juice. To take remedy for half a Cup 2-3 times a day. Cough and runny nose will disappear fairly quickly.

With raisins you can clear hepatic ducts and get rid of the stagnation of bile. To do this, take half a Cup of raisins, wash thoroughly, cover with cold water to the top. A day to drink the infusion and eat the swollen raisins. Then you need to lie on your right side, placing it on a warm heating pad. Weekly procedure will improve the condition of the body.

Raisins helps to get rid of a significant loss of hair. Recipe mask: a handful of raisins pour 2 cups of water, put on low fire for 15 minutes. As a result, the raisins should swell. After cooling, the mass must be thoroughly to obtain a paste. Then add the egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and honey. Apply the mask on the hair roots, cover with plastic wrap for 30-40 minutes. In the end wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with acidified water to secure the result.

Lubricating the skin with pulp of raisins helps for a short period of time to cure lilinoe skin lesions.
Skin condition markedly improved after the first treatment.

A decoction of raisins, oats and cranberry normalizes the work of digestive organs. For preparation need a glass of raisins, a Cup of cranberries, 100 g of honey, 500 g oats, 3 liters of water. Bring mixture to a boil and leave in a warm place for a few hours. Take the remedy three times a day half a Cup.

Useful properties of the product, the body gets only in the absence of contraindications, which include:
- obesity;
acute heart failure;
the active form of tuberculosis;
acute form of peptic ulcer disease of stomach and duodenum;