
If you experience headaches for its withdrawal not recommended to take medication in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the second and third trimester more advanced placenta acts as a protective barrier, so some drugs still can be accepted. Headaches during pregnancy will help paracetamol for infants. He is taken to calculate 10 milligrams per 1 kilogram of body weight, but not more than 500 mg.
Very good tool is the no-Spa. It is taken two tablets once.

The list of medicines for headaches, valid in pregnancy.

- viburkol, one candle for 30 minutes until improvement occurs, but not more than two hours;
- the tablets in the second trimester 1-2 tablets after meals with milk or hot sweet mint tea;
- papasol, 1-2 tablets, twice a day;
- aspirin in the second trimester of 0.5 grams, 1 times a day;
- drugs. It should be applied in a thin layer on whiskey;
- chimes, 25 milligrams per hour before meals or 1.5-2 hours after three times a day;
- analginum in the second and third trimester once the physician;
- Riabal, 90-180 milligrams in three divided doses per day;
- Nurofen, in the first and second trimester on the recommendation of a doctor;
- efferalgan in the second trimester of pregnancy at the recommendation of a physician;
- Panadol, 500 milligrams up to four times per day;
- Panadol extra 500 milligrams three times a day, minimum interval between doses is at least four hours;
- novopasit, one tablet or five milliliters of solution up to three times a day;
- the balm asterisk, a thin layer on the temples or the nape of the neck;
- migranal, one tablet not more often than six hours.

There is a perception that during pregnancy you can take andipal headache, though, if you carefully study the user manual to this drug, it becomes clear that pregnancy is a contraindication for its use.

Not drugs

If you decide not to take the pill, know that there are some traditional ways to relief headache. Ventilate the room in which you are. Drink hot sweet tea or eat something sweet. Wrap a cold compress around the neck and top cover with a dry cloth.
Keep this poultice should until dry.

RUB the nape and upper neck a warming ointments. Follow these few exercises for pregnant women aimed at breathing. If the headache is associated with an increase in pressure, put to feet a hot-water bottle for fifteen minutes. Try to go to sleep.