What causes excessive sweating?

Excessive sweating underarms occurs under the following conditions:
- excess weight;
disturbed metabolic processes;
- increased physical activity;
- diseases of the endocrine system;
- overheating of the body;
serious diseases of internal organs.
Determining the cause affects the choice of the method of getting rid of the unpleasant feeling of wet armpits with a characteristic smell of sweat.

Effective methods to combat excessive sweating

When exposed to high ambient temperature heats the body. To recover the water-salt balance, the body releases a certain amount of sweat. By itself, sweat has no color and smell. This transparent droplets of moisture that evaporate quickly from the skin surface. Smell cause harmful bacteria that are in the process of reproduction and vital activity to secrete a specific substance. To get rid of the smell of sweat will help ordinary water with soap.

To smell did not appear again, use different deodorants in the form of sticks, gels, sprays, creams. The bulk of the funds aimed at eliminating odor, but the sweat continues to stand out, leaving wet marks on the clothes. Antiperspirants designed to prevent sweating due to the formation of a protective film. They are applied exclusively on clean and smooth armpits.
Often can not use antiperspirants because they clog the cells, which leads to disruption of metabolic processes.

The second condition for an effective fight against then – balanced diet. Some foods cause sweating. These include energy drinks, coffee, spices, alcohol. You need to drink to choose decoctions of herbs, green tea, vitamin-fortified fruit drinks.

A good result can be achieved if you regularly do the following procedure:
- wipe the armpits, palms or other sweating parts of the body moistened with water soap;
- take a bath with a decoction of oak bark, white willow bark, Valerian, pine needles;
- RUB the area of armpits with a strong solution of salt or put hands in salt bath;
- clean the problem area with a solution of formalin purchased in pharmacies.

You can make homemade solid deodorant. This will need to take equal proportions of coconut oil, baking soda, corn starch. In the resulting mass add 10 drops of essential tea tree oil. After that, drain into a small container. An ideal variant – an empty container from used deodorant. After a few days the mass will harden, and it can be used.