Sweating is a natural process, designed to cleanse the body of toxins and to maintain the desired body temperature. For health it is not harmful, but rather useful.

Another thing is that it's not always convenient and pleasant. For example, there are difficulties in selecting such clothes to hide sweat marks. Just feel sorry for other people who are forced to smell.

It is believed that the pot is full of water and does not smell, and the smell creating bacteria living on the skin. And to remove the odor, you need to suppress the vital activity of these bacteria.

Some measures that will help to solve the problem of underarm sweating:

- Try to choose clothes made of natural fabrics that allow the body to breathe.

- Frequently wash your armpits with soap and wipe them with a damp napkin.

- Sea water can significantly reduce sweating of the armpits . Regular relaxation will help to solve the problem of sweating. Well, if this is not possible, the sea can be replaced with a bath with sea salt. With regular use of such baths, you'll notice how much less you will sweat.

- There are special pads and liners under clothing. They will make the problem of sweating is almost invisible to others.

- There are people's methods of dealing with an unpleasant odor. For example, such as essential oil of peppermint and orange. Rubbing these oils into the underarms helps to eliminate unpleasant smell.

Will also help soda water and oak bark. It is this: the oak bark pour boiling water, the infusion cools. This infusion necessary to lubricate the underarms several times a day.

This simple measures will help to solve the problem in a simple way. If these measures prove insufficient, it is necessary to ask for help, for purpose of medical treatment.