In that case, if used clothes are of good quality, and her condition is above average (no of patches and holes, things are not worn, its original color and appearance), you can try to give them to the thrift store or buying. In this case, there are several options - sometimes I buy things immediately, but it happens that after the execution of the respective contract they are left to implementation at any time. The money will be available after the b/a stuff will find a buyer.
You can give things to those involved in sewing and needlework, then disused clothes someone will be able to create new outfits. Used clothing can be useful as a material for baby or youth mug in which to learn to sew.

If no relatives that could be useful used clothing or friends handy, able to make a real masterpiece out of fashion things to start is to look around. In apartment buildings often have families who need support. It may be mothers of large families who are forced to dress their children or people who find themselves in difficult life situations.

Depending on the situation tactfully is to offer them help - clothes can help out those who can't afford to update your wardrobe, and will be a perfect opportunity to sew something new. If the field of view were not neighbors who would need such assistance, you can ask the local old women. As a rule, representatives of the older generation is pretty well aware of who and how to live in their house, in particular, they know who needs b/y things, especially if this is a good, albeit out of fashion clothes.
You can try to contact the nearest Orthodox Church or monastery. Quite often, the clergy help people from the poor and the elderly, the disabled, families with many children. Sometimes in the Church for material help and people released from places of imprisonment, and those who lead an antisocial lifestyle. All they may need clothes, and things, in this case and used, makes it easy to find new owners to benefit.
In a pinch you can pack in multiple packages by separating them by season or sex, as well. Attaching the top sheet of paper on which is written large on its contents (for example, "womens tops, size 50-52" or "children's zimnaya shoes, size 26-32"), packages can be left around the nearest landfill. It is better to leave things at a distance from the containers in which local residents throw household waste. Then used things are more likely to be seen - for example, they can be useful for older people who are experiencing financial difficulties.
Need used clothes and shelters for Pets. The announcement that the management of such institutions asking for help in the form of, in particular, the old clothing, quite often you can find on the Internet and the media.