Don't try to lose weight through a rigid diet. If you are going to lose weight more than 1 kg per week, the body will slow the fat burning process. A sharp reduction in the caloric content of your diet will signal for the body on the onset of hard times, and thus the energy supply in the form of fat can not spend. In addition, you will not have enough energy to accelerate the growth of muscle fibers.
Reassess your nutritional guidelines. In order to eliminate the fat, reduce daily calorie intake by about 10-15%. Make the meal fraction. Five to six meals enables your liver to fully translate the incoming calories into kinetic energy, without putting anything in reserve.
For active growth of muscles need protein. Therefore, low-protein diets absolutely do not fit. In your diet should be high in lean meat and dairy products. Start the day with porridge or muesli. Slow carbohydrates contained in them will allow you to reduce the caloric content of lunch and dinner by 5-10%.
Eliminate from your diet TRANS fats, smoked meats and fast carbs contained in confectionery.
To get rid of subcutaneous fat, you need regular aerobic exercise. The best way to lose weight is interval running. Alternate Jogging at a moderate pace with short accelerations. Very good helps us to consume the reserves of lipids Jogging on an inclined surface. Run on rough terrain, or install angle of 10-15 degrees on the treadmill. The duration of the run should not be less than half an hour. It is this duration of a load is required to enable the mechanism of fat burning.
Three times a week, spend strength training. This is necessary for both men and women.
So that the muscles grow faster, carry out basic exercises aimed at the elaboration of a large number of muscles at the same time. Narrow focused exercises need only professional athletes, bringing your muscle features to perfection. Your favorite exercise should be deadlifts, chest press, squats, pull-UPS and push-UPS.
Working with free weights helps to build muscle mass than using machines. This will allow you to perform exercises even in the most poorly equipped gym. Bar and set of dumbbells of different weights are there.
Before proceeding to independent strength training, consult a fitness instructor. The effectiveness of the most basic exercises depends on correct implementation. Take the money on personal training to learn proper technique.
Be sure to do in between strength training at least one day of rest. Otherwise, you can "score" the muscle. This will cause muscle growth to slow down significantly.