In pursuit of a white color of things you can use the old "grandma's" method – boiling. To do this, put a big bucket of water on the stove (if the glass ceramic hob, do not exceed the weight load of the slab). Dissolve in a bucket of the powder for hand washing and put ashen linen. Simmer for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally linen. Cooled down a bit put linen in the washing machine, rinse and wring in it. This method is suitable only for white clothes made of natural fabrics. Usually it's bed linen, children's underwear, kitchen towels.
More gentle way is soaking the clothes before washing. On 12 liters of water, put 8 tablespoons of salt, 50 g of washing powder, 3 l of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 20 ml of hydrogen peroxide. Let items soak in warm water for 4 hours in this solution. Then thoroughly rinse. This soaking will return the white stuff made of wool and silk.
For whitening things from guipure fabric and tulle, place in a bowl of water 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tablespoon of ammonia. Soak for 30 minutes and then rinse.
One of the simple ways to return things snow white is the use of bleach. When washing in the washing machine to powder, add the powder bleach & washing powder. If you bought a bleach in liquid form, paste it into the compartment for pre-wash. Carefully read the instructions for use of this tool, it indicates for what type of fabric is used, the bleach, the temperature regime in which it is used and the dosage.