From the definition it is clear that the volume of any hollow body is conventionally defined by its ability to accommodate a certain amount of any kind of matter. If the cube refers to the cube, the size of the fin is 1 cm, that is talking about cubic inches. If the size of the cube is 1 m, here we are talking about the volume, measured in cubic metres. Similarly, the volume can be measured in cubic millimeters, decimeters or other measures, depending on the size of the cube.
Now that you know what is the cubic volume of any body, you can proceed directly to calculations. Formula with which to calculate the cubic volume of the most common volumetric bodies presented below:

V = c3 is the volume of a cube, c is the size of the edge of this cube;

V = S*h - the volume of the prism, S is the area of its base and h is its height;

V = π*r2*h volume of cylinder, r is the radius of the circle at its base, π is a constant (π = 3.14);

V = (4*π*r3)/3 is the volume of a sphere, r is its radius;

V = (4*a*b*c*π)/3 is the volume of the ellipsoid, a, b, c - its main axis;

V = (S*h)/3 is the volume of a pyramid, S is the area of its base and h is its height;

V = (π*r2*h)/3 is the volume of a cone.
For illustrative purposes and clarity we can consider several examples.

Example 1: you are Given a pyramid, the base area of which is equal to 60 cm2 and its height is 20 cm, it is required to find the cubic volume of the pyramid. To solve these tasks you will need to use one of the above formulas:

V = (60*20)/3 = 400 cm3

Answer: the cubic volume of the pyramid is 400 cm3

Example 2: you want to find the cubic volume of a prism with a base area of 140 m2 and a height of 60 m.

Looking at the list of formulas given above, you need to find necessary and apply it:

V = 140*60 = 8400 m3

Answer: cubic the volume of this prism is equal to 8400 m3