You will need
    • molds;
    • sugar 0.5 Cup;
    • water 2 tablespoons;
    • food dyes;
    • pan;
    • skewers or sticks.
    • For the cream caramel:
    • sugar 200 gr;
    • milk or cream 100 ml;
    • vanillin;
    • butter 40 gr.
Prepare everything needed to prepare classic candy-cocks. Take a small pan or ladle. Mix granulated sugar with water until dissolved. Boil the sugar with water on low heat until transparent. Add the food coloring. For coloring you can use natural juices (e.g. carrot juice for yellow or for red beet) instead of the dyes. Check the syrup for readiness. Pour the cold water in a bowl and pour syrup. A drop of the syrup should harden in water. If a drop has frozen, remove the pan from the heat and stir the syrup for another thirty seconds. Prepare molds. Pre-lubricate the form of vegetable oil. Pour the finished mixture into molds. Prepare sticks and insert them. Leave the caramel to solidify. Lollipop ready.
Try to cook creamy candy. To do this, take sugar and mix it with milk (cream). If you decide to use milk, then add the butter. Put the saucepan on slow fire and cook until bubbles, stirring constantly. The contents should appear coffee color. Then remove the pan from the fire, flavor, add vanilla. Pre-grease the molds with vegetable oil and pour the syrup into the molds. If you have little molds, then fill only one half of the ramekins and cover with pastry sheet. Then the candy will turn out one way, but you can make a lot of males. Put sticks and cool Popsicles. Then remove them from the mold.
Try to pour the mass while it is still hot. If in the process of spilling your mass has cooled, heat it in the microwave. If you don't have candy molds, use normal cold water. The syrup carefully and in small portions pour in the water. Freezing in cold water, you get little candies, of course, not in the form of a Cockerel.