You will need
    • sugar (preferably fine)
    • water
    • a little vegetable oil
    • a slice of lemon
    • milk
    • nuts.
For fried sugarand you'll need water and sugar in approximately equal proportions. In a pan or in the pan put sugar, add a little water and place on high heat. It is important to continuously stir the syrup and not to miss a moment of burning sugar. When the water slightly and boil the syrup has reached the desired color, it can be removed from the fire. To give the lozenges form, syrup can be poured into molds greased with vegetable oil or baking paper. If neither one nor the other, it is your regular spoon. Once you have filled fried sugar in shape, you need to put it under cold water.
The second way. In a small saucepan, pour 100 g of sugarand add a few drops of lemon and a little water and butter or sunflower oil. Heating the mass on fire, don't forget to stir constantly. As soon as the caramel will occipit, put in her wand (preferably plain wooden) and wind the weight. Then dip in cold water.
The third way. If you want sweeter and tastier, instead of water, add sugar milk. Fire it is advisable to do a little, stirring occasionally and give the milk to boil away (not forgetting to stir). Then sugar will become crumbly and full cooling can be break into pieces. If you add a little nuts, you get a kind of sorbet.