You will need
  • savings book, computer, Internet, passport, pen.
Passbook citizens of the Russian Federation make storage deposits, as well as for wages and other payments, transfers which produce employers and others. In order to know the status of the account to passbook, you must contact the branch of "Sberbank", where you have registered your Bank account. When you access a Bank employee you must present the identity document and passbook.
The consultant will check the match of passport data (a surname, a name, a patronymic, date and place of birth, when and by whom the document was issued) and details entered on the first page of the passbook. With the full reliability of the information worker "Sberbank" announces to you what the balance currently on your account and, depending on your desire to give a certain amount of funds. All activities that occur with your account are recorded in a savings book.
Users of the services of the Bank are requested to check the status of the account to passbook by using the Internet resource. Sberbank has its own website which is called "savings.of the Russian Federation". To do this, navigate in your Internet browser on the main website of the Bank, and then access the Bank services through the Internet.
To connect to the service "Sberbank Online" you need to come to the branch of "Sberbank" or the Central office, present your passport and passbook. With your mobile phone, which is already connected to the service "Mobile banking", you will need to send an sms code to a specific number, which will inform the consultants. In reply sms-message on your phone number comes free phone number. While making a call on it you will get ID to access the service. And you'll be able to check the movement of funds to passbook from the comfort of home and not standing queues in the Bank offices.