For compilation of bills of quantities use of normative documents, technical manuals, instructions and other technical documents. The estimates of the works recommended on the proven schemes that visualize the progress of calculations, as well as all the sequence of their production. For this fit certain rules.
Building volume of the basement determine by multiplying the cross-sectional area of the basement horizontally at the level of the ground floor, measuring above the cap height from the floor level to the same level floor from the lower floor. If the basement is built inside the building without the walls above it, calculates area (external stroke the walls at the ceiling above the basement.
Building volume the upper, terrestrial part of the house with attic ceilings define by multiplying the area of the horizontal cross section of the external border of the structure (including the thickness of the veneer, stucco) in the lower floor above the basement to the full height of the building, measured from the floor level from the ground floor to the top of the insulation on the attic floor.
To determine the amount of the ground part of the house without garret overlapping, multiply the area of cross-section vertical to the length of the building, which is measure between the outer surfaces of the opposite end walls perpendicular to the cross-sectional area at the level of the ground floor above the basement. The cross-sectional area calculate the perimeter on the outer surface of the walls, and given the upper contours of the roof and the floor level from the ground floor.
If the building has projecting parts and niches, in the measurement of the cross section are not taken into account. If the floors have a different area, then the volume of the building define as the sum of its parts. In addition, we expect the volume of the individual parts of the building, if they are significantly different in form. In such cases, the delimiting wall consider the part which it corresponds in design or height.
Building capacity building with basement define as the sum of the volumes of the basement and ground parts.
Note that the volume verandas, Bay Windows and other parts that increase the useful volume must be calculated separately and included in total volume. Do not turn on only in the building volume the volume of porches and open balconies.