You will need
  • - flowers Helichrysum;
  • - flowers of yarrow;
  • - mint;
  • - the flowers and roots of the dandelion;
  • - birch leaves;
  • - chicory root;
  • - Melilotus officinalis;
  • - vodka;
  • - alcohol;
  • - plantain;
  • - med;
  • - Shilajit;
  • - aloe;
  • - propolis;
  • - garlic;
  • - wormwood;
  • - celandine;
  • - white wine;
  • - horsetail;
  • - St. John's wort.
As a rule, the hepatitis is burdened by comorbidities. Hepatitis, complicated by obesity and hypertension, prepare complex tax. Take in equal quantity of flowers of immortelle, yarrow, mint, dandelion, birch leaf and chicory root. All the components are chopped, stir. 1 tablespoon collection pour 0.5 liters of cold water, let sit for 1.5-2 hours, then put on fire and bring to a boil, boil for 5-7 minutes in a tightly sealed container. Leave for 1 hour in a warm place and strain.
In the resulting infusion add 15 ml of tincture of sweet clover, made from 100 grams of raw materials to 0.5 liters of vodka, aged for at least 14 days.
Also in the prepared composition add 1 tablespoon of the juice of plantain and a spoonful of honey. Drink 100 ml 4 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
Hepatitis, degenerating into cirrhosis of the liver, prepare the following tool. Take 7 grams of purified Shilajit (pharmaceutical preparation), mash into a powder and pour 200 ml of aloe juice. Take 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before Breakfast and before bedtime for 2 weeks. Then a 12-14 day break and continue treatment.
At the same time take propolis tincture 20% (20 g of propolis to 100 ml of alcohol 70%). 20 drops of tincture dissolve in one-third Cup milk and take it 3 times a day before meal.
In hepatitis it is recommended to take the following means. Take 10 grams of minced garlic, 5 grams of wormwood and celandine and pour 500 ml grape white wine. Put on stove, bring to a boil, after cooling strain. Take 2 tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment – 7 days, then 7 days break and again repeat the treatment until complete recovery.
At the same time take the infusion, prepared as follows. Take the same number of the roots of chicory, grass, yarrow, horsetail, Hypericum, all components of mince. 2 teaspoons (from top) collection pour 250 ml of boiling water in a thermos for 1.5-2 hours. Drain and let cool. Take a glass of infusion in the morning, using a 1.2-1.3 hours after the morning meal, the evening – before bedtime.