You will need
  • -consultation of the dermatologist;
  • -antibiotic therapy;
  • -vitamin;
  • -treatment with laser.
When exposed to the skin to heat or cold, the expansion or contraction of the blood vessels. Patients with rosacea, these processes are in spasm, causing temporary redness (erythema temporary), and then to permanent redness. Against this background, the expansion of the skin pores, the appearance of rosacea and spider veins.
The first symptoms look like worsening acne, Allergy or sunburn. The predisposition to this disease are people who drink too much tea, coffee, spicy and hot food. Rosacea most susceptible fair-haired people, and also those whose skin reacts to stress sudden change in color (redness or blanching).
As the causes of the disease are not well understood, it is the main treatment for rosacea is to eliminate the symptoms. To do this, use long-term antibiotic therapy, prescribe b vitamins, and nicotinic acid.
With the appearance of rosacea the doctor can prescribe a derivative of vitamin A, which inhibit excessive sebum production that causes acne.
On face prescribe antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. If the disease is neglected, on the face has a striking pattern of spider veins, the doctor may prescribe treatment with a laser.
If rosacea has led to a change in the shape of the nose, correct the situation will help plastic surgery.