First, limit the intake of salt. Of excess body and keeps excess water. Therefore, salt to cooked food after serving. Using ready-made spices and condiments, pay attention to component parts. As a rule, many of them already contain salt. If you replace salt with special sauces, enhance the effect.
Enter in your diet more foods such as beetroot, nettle, sorrel and celery. They perfectly control the water balance. Watermelons are a natural diuretic. Their use will help you to get rid of excess water and toxins. Also, as a diuretic, use brewed Apple peel. It is better if you pre-dry.
Sit on a diet. For this two days eat boiled vegetables, potatoes and carrots, but no more than 5 tubers. The next two days eat boiled meat. 200 grams a day. On the fifth day, eat boiled fish. Sixth day - fresh vegetables and fruits. Seventh – yogurt.
Don't get carried away with alcohol. It delays the metabolism and is one of the reasons for the accumulation of water.
Reduce intake of fats and carbohydrates. This will help not only to get rid of excess water, but also from the extra pounds.
Daily drink at least 3 liters of water. If the body retains water, then feels its shortage. Drinking water, don't worry about the appearance of edema. Getting it in sufficient quantity, the body pretty quickly gets rid of it. In addition, you will get rid of accumulated over the years toxins. But note that you need to drink simple water or slobozhany, unsweetened tea. Fruit drinks, juices, sodas perceived by the body as food and not as a drink. And using them you will not get the desired result.
Visit a bath or sauna. After one procedure you can actually lose up to 3 kg of water. Standing out through the pores, it will cleanse your body, and you will not only get benefits but also pleasure.