Limit the amount of salt as it retains water, neutralize the potassium, which is necessary for the functioning of the heart. Reduce the amount of salt that you add to dishes instead of salt use herbs and spices.
Avoid drinking alcohol. Alcoholic beverages, especially beer, delay fluid in the body and are the cause of swelling.
Add to your diet herbs and vegetables, which help soak up the liquid – beet, horseradish, celery, sorrel, nettle, etc.
Visit the saunas and baths – under the influence of heat and vapor , the liquid begins to be excreted from the body via the open pores. Add to bath water coniferous extract.
Drink diuretic drinks and teas, make "watermelon" days. Diuretic action will bark a decoction of dried Apple peel (one teaspoon per 200 ml water), infusion of bearberry (two teaspoons of dry raw material per Cup of boiling water). Birch leaves can be brewed (two tablespoons of leaves per Cup of boiling water), add a little soda, and drink a spoonful every three hours. Birch juice is good removes excess water and drink it one Cup at a time thrice a day.
Diuretic teas from good green tea or mate tea, broth hips, cranberry, or cumin. To eliminate the edema of cardiac origin it is necessary to drink tincture of hawthorn or goldenrod. If you have problems with your kidneys you need to drink a decoction of knotweed, horsetail, couch grass, etc.
Add into the diet foods that contain potassium, since they help draw liquid from the body. It dried apricots, prunes, strawberries, pumpkins, squash, cucumbers, cabbage, etc. Prepare a decoction of flax seed, mix it with a decoction of sage and taking this infusion daily – the composition coats the intestinal wall and prevents fluid from accumulating.
Remember to follow any special diet. Strict weekly diet starts with cleansing of the bowel (enema) is the daily consumption of yogurt – half a liter per day, adding certain foods (boiled potatoes, meat, fish, chicken, vegetables, fruit). It is important to try to eat balanced and eat only low-calorie food after the diet.