If the pace of life lost in the holidays, nothing terrible happened. The child himself was happy to be back to business as usual. To restore the mode after a holiday can be the same ways that you once taught his little restless to a specific order. You need a positive attitude on his part and yours. Tell him that you go back to kindergarten or to school, where he faces old friends and new toys and activities. Friends missed him, they visited many places and will talk about their summer adventures. Discuss with your child what he can tell the teacher and other children.
Restore the regime of sleep and wakefulness. In the summer it was possible in the morning to sleep a little longer, and now again have to get up early. But you need to sleep, so lie will also have before. Start with lifting. On the eve of the make plans the next day and explain why you need to get up early. The plans may include a visit to the doctor before school and kindergarten, interesting walk in familiar places or wherever the child wanted. Planned must be done.
Try to keep the day turned out interesting and rich. If there is a lot of experience, in the evening you don't even have to work that hard to make a child go to sleep. Do not be discouraged if the first night you will not be able to restore the usual order of bedtime. You'll do it tomorrow or the day after. But to explain why and tomorrow need to get up early, you still need.
The next day, or the day remind your child what to do before going to sleep. At the cottage or at grandma's was not always able to follow a certain order (although hygiene is necessary, of course, performed in the summer). Select the most interesting book that you read before going to sleep. Usually children are happy to return to the usual life rhythm, and they need very little help.
If you have a few more days before returning to school, or before school starts, give your child the opportunity to remember what time you need to walk and what to pay quiet games, drawing or reading. If he himself is not very good, suggest that at a certain time occupation on the premises. Duplicate school lessons is not necessary, just give the child the opportunity to alternate quiet activities with active games. When a timely change of activity, he will be less tired.